A lovely visit!We had a wonderful visit with my mom. We didn't get home until 12AM on Thursday. It was a long drive, but well worth it to have my mom here. On Friday my mom and I just visited and hung out. My mom bought Fischer a kouvalias toy! They are so wonderful and I will send pictures.On Saturday morning my mom and I went with G'ma Susie and Brenda to a craft fair. I found the best pans ever! The cafeteria ladies were selling them to raise money for a scholarship. I never thought I would enjoy anything about a school cafeteria, but they do have really nice pans. PS: Don't worry they were new not used!
On Saturday afternoon my mom and I had facials at a Spa in town. It was such a fun and girly thing to do with my mom. Fischer also came along. There was a t-shirt that I really wanted to buy~ it said Spa Diva! I don't think I would mind that. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that will never be my lot in life because after our facials I had to go and pick up DOG FOOD. I don't think a spa diva would have to do that. ha ha ha
But I do think that every mother deserves at least one chance to go to a spa and pamper herself.
On Sunday we went to union meeting on the other side on the mountain and then came home for a relaxing afternoon.
We had to leave early on Monday to take mom to the airport. I always cry when I have to say good-bye to my mom! I can't help myself. So I sobbed and Chris tried his best to comfort me. But we only have a little time to wait before we see each other again for Christmas!
Here are some pictures from our lovely weekend!