This has been such a wonderful and busy weekend! We met our dear dear friends Aaron, Candy, and Amelia on Friday after Fischer had a doctor's appointment. I ended up staying the night Friday night with Fischer. Chris had to head home because we were working calves the next day. Candy and I stayed up until midnight chatting!!! It felt SO good to have some girl moms need that once in awhile. Well, we paid for it the next morning when our little ones starting kicking and clawing our faces at 7AM.
We then headed over to Brooklyn SueAnn's baby shower. It was sure nice to see the glowing mommy and her cute baby! She is sure an adorable baby. Candy and I also saw lots of people we hadn't seen in awhile. It was nice to chat with all the friends in that area again.
On our way over to the shower, Amelia and Fischer decided to have a crying game. So when one would stop crying the other would listen intently and then start to cry too!!! By the time we reached our destination our little ones eyes were red and they had little green boogies sticking out of each of their noses! That may be a little descriptive, but all moms know what I am talking about when their child has worked themselves up until their noses are running and little tears are pouring out!
Luckily our trip back was not so terrible. We decided to try another tactic...I sat in the back with them just in case they decided to start the game again. This time they were wonderful and slept most of the way back!
I will post some pictures tomorrow! Right now I need some sleep.