Friday, November 30, 2007

Busy Days and lots of precious memories...

Lately, I have been trying to capture the precious memories that seem to fly by...
I have taken several videos of the boys just doing what they do every day. We have a routine, and I think years from now that routine will be dear to me.

Daddy is building a deck and shed roof...

Fischer Lee has gone seven times on the pot! I think I will stop counting now, but it sure is exciting when they finally decide to use the pot. (That is not to say that he hasn't had any accidents, but that is why they call it potty TRAINING right? :) )

Hazen James has decided he likes his thumb! I am trying to switch him to a pacifier, but as you can see it hasn't happened yet.
A list of names that we also call Hazen: (I want to remember these years from now, and so far this is my only baby book for little Hazen!)
Precious Bean
Buddy Beaver
He is so chubby and happy! I think he weighs 15 pounds, and he is only 3 months! What a chubby guy. :)


Anonymous said...

That will sure make life a little easier, when you have "one in diapers" instead of two...he looks like he's happy to be "King of the toilet", sitting on his thrown!
Hazen thinks his thumb is yum!!
Gosh I love these pics.
Thats a great shot of Chris way up high in the rafters, with the mountains in the background...I can't wait to show these to my nursing buds at work. Love, Gma Terry xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxo

Anonymous said...

It was fun to check in with you Kate and catch up with things in your world. I'm sure Fischer is going to love looking at this blog some day!!!! He is going to ask if you really put the "going potty" picture of him up for the whole world to see!!!! :-) It is an exciting milestone though, and one to celebrate. Linda

Shelly said...

You give me hope that someday we will be potty training and eventually out of diaper too!! Keep up the good job Fish!

Awwwww Hazen, so adorable.

Aha! A porch! I knew Chris wasn't peeling those logs just for fun.