Friday, January 12, 2007

Our House Today...

It is good for me to be reminded of all of the progress that has been made on the house! I know many of you can understand the excitement and impatience that comes when you want to move in. But I am amazed by the progress that has been made and this helps me to be more patient.
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Anonymous said...

Wow! Just think what pictures you will be posting in one more short year - all of you IN the house!! We cannot believe how much snow you have - makes me a little homesick for Wyoming and a little glad I live farther south! - Michelle

Lisa said...

I hear that the best comes to those who wait! Just think of all that you'll have because you've been so good at waiting! :)

Anonymous said...

Got your blog from Renee...and I am enjoying checking up on you this way! Your house looks beautiful...and it will be worth the wait! It has come a long way since we saw it in Aug. Suppose all the snow slows you down a bit as Chris would be more busy with other things? Fisher sure is cute!! to see ths pictures! Lorraine

Kate said...

I cannot wait to post the MOVING IN pictures! Don't you worry, there will lots of them.