Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I know what you are thinking...

Wow she is such a good mom. Her children are quietly reading National Geographic...
(Please disregard the vaccuum cleaner and unfolded clothes)

Should I mention that 5 minutes before this my 2 year old Hazen decided to shove his hands down his diaper only to come up with fingers covered in poop. Yes it was a frenzied rush to the bathroom to wash his hands off!

Then this morning Fish came running up the stairs to inform me that there was something brown all over his book. And when he smelled it "it smelled a little like puke." Oh grand, great, goody gum drops. So we all three treked downstairs to find the book that smelled like puke. I found it and then found my clorox wipes (does anyone else use these ALL the time) and spent my morning scrubbing a book that had some mysterious yukiness all over its pages. :)

I think you have to have a strong stomach to be a mother!

The boys have also dumped goldfish all over my tile, and taken a bath because every time mom waters her lawn, trees and flowers they end up soaked and covered in mud.

This is why we are having leftovers for lunch, and then I am going to take a long nap. I am SO happy that they still both take naps. :)

So how was your morning? Did I mention that even in all of the craziness I wouldn't change a thing! Okay maybe I would change the poopy fingers and weird yuckiness all over the book.


Shasta said...

The joys of boys!! Sounds so much like my life, except that NONE of mine take naps (not even my 2 yro!) and I would love a nap, even twice a week! But like you, I wouldn't change a thing..well, maybe little things, but hey, those little things, like poopy fingers and marker covered bodies, make us stronger moms!

Anonymous said...

Oh the joys of being a mother! :-) Thanks for sharing your joys with us!!

Carin said...

Oh, I was seriously laughing out loud, then holding my breath. Oh what a morning you had! I hope it went better after naptime!

here is a story my mom tells....
My brother was a young toddler who developed a diaper rash. She decided to take the diaper off and let him play in the playpen. She went to do something else for a few minutes and when she returned...

he had had a BM and then proceeded to finger paint with the poop ALL OVER the playpen.......

UGH! That doesn't make your morning any easier but I hope you got a good laugh.

Michelle said...

I laughed so hard at your story - thanks for sharing it with us. All of us mommies can relate. Hope you got a nap! :)

Anonymous said...

=) What the photos DON'T show! Yes, it's worth it all...

Kat said...

Oh, boy. Have I had days like that!! Boys guarantee you will.
