Sunday, February 01, 2009

My third digital layout and questions answered!

I am taking a digital scrapbooking class online to teach me how to use Adobe Photoshop 7. I am loving it, and the website is for all that are interested. Thanks to Jen for helping me find this site!
PS I actually used pictures from different dates so I just marked the date for Hazen sliding down the slide on the scrapbook page, and then when I receive the printed copy I am going to use my supplies here at home to add the date of Hazy in the sand. I think it will add something extra to the layout that isn't digi!!!


Carin said...

You are doing a fabulous job with the digital scrapbooking, they look so great! I can't believe your snow story, that is too much snow! Last year we had a lot of snow, though not like what you experienced. This year we had a good storm come though but the snow blew away and then temps in the 30's so it is all gone again. I like the snow, but not what you experienced, that just makes day to day living very difficult sometimes. But spring sure is a welcome sight!

Kristi said...

Kate these are really neat. I might have to look into it. BUT, I like paper WAY to much!