This morning I mostly slept with baby. Luckily, I have good help so that I can.
The boys have been so wonderful with him.
If you came to my house you might find a small baby laying/lying (never can remember which is right) in laundry...
A dumptruck and backhoe turned upside down in the middle of the livingroom because the boys were making a dump pile...
You might hear a fly sprayer that needs to be replaced...I've been listening to it all morning. :)
Also you might find a tired mommy that needs to go hop in the shower!
But a happy tired mommy because baby Dusty is healthy and happy sitting next to me on a pile of laundry in need of another diaper change.

welcome home! i remember the 1st few days home with babies. not much got done, but anyone that came over wasn't expecting a clean house or a 5 course meal. they wanted to hold the baby :)
Great shots of your beautiful boys!
Kate...have been thinking about you SO much. Glad to get a little update and love the precious pictures. Such tender days- -these early ones. Glad you are enjoying them. We too are so thankful he and mama are healthy :)
Sending our love.
They grow up to fast to worry about the rest ;) Thanks for sharing the moment in photos with us ---> georgous hair and perfect skin ~ I can almost smell your lil' bit from here <>
Thanks for the update, Kate. Adorable pictures, adorable kids. The 2 "big" boys will make great brothers for Dusty. Take care, Linda
How sweet he is! Already looks like
'one of the boys!' Welcome Home!
oh! so sweet and precious! enjoy these wonderful first days. They fly so fast!
He's beautiful!
YAY!! I was SO excited to hear how things were going!! He is just TOO CUTE!! :o) Thanks for the update. I've been thinking about you guys a LOT! :) And that second to last picture...where might that one have been taken? ;) Haha! :) It turned out GREAT, don't you think?!?! :)
can't wait to see him at chug, congrats
Cute pictures! I remember those first days. I felt in an isolated fog. Hope to see you Sunday!
Precious days... thanks for sharing the view from the couch with us.
I always love to see my olders dote on the new baby. I could never understand when people went on about their children being jealous or worse those who said how much their big kids hated the baby. Mine always were thrilled to have any opportunity to show their undying devotion to our bundle.
Congratulations, Kate.
So happy for you!
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